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Proceedings No. 13
Proceedings No. 13 Proceedings No. 13 Proceedings No. 13

Proceedings No. 13

21,00 €

of the 12th International Topical Conference Origin of Slovenes and Europeans, Lublana, June 5th, 2014

Binding: Paperback
Pages: 144
Height: 23.5 cm
Width: 16.5 cm
Weight: 290 g
Language: English, Slovene
Author: (see Contents)
Publisher: Jutro
Year: 2014
ISBN: 978-961-67468-1-6
V spomin Ivanu Tomažiču 1919-2014 7
In Memoriam to Ivan Tomažič 1919-2014

Duša Krnel Umek
Preučevanje slovenskega staroselstva od leta 1981 do leta 2000 9
Study of the Slovene Antiquity from 1981 to 2000

Marjan Ivan Moškon
Kdo So Slovani? 21
Who are Slavs?

Duša Krnel Umek
Slovenci – staroselci v delih iz 19. stoletja 28
The Slovenes - Aborigines in Books of the 19th Century

Eric Tomas De Saint Maur
Najstarejši znani spomenik Slo-Venetskega jezika – Lex Salica 40
The Oldest Known Monument of the Slo-Wendish Language - Lex Salica

Eric Tomas De Saint Maur
Preprosti, znanstveno nezahtevni dokazi o staroselstvu Slovencev v Evropi 51
Simple and unpretentious Scientific Proves About the Slovene Aboriginal Ancestry in Europe

Marko Hrovat
Etimologija besed ruda, rudeča (barva), ruj, zarja, rujno, radič 66
Etymology of the words Ruda, Rudeča (color), Ruj, Zarja, Rujno, Radič

Petr Jandaček
“Slon” in the Language of Mammoth Hunters 109
Beseda “slon” v jeziku lovcev na mamute

Eric Tomas De Saint Maur
Sorodnost starolatinskega in staroitalskih jezikov s slovenskim 119
The Old-Latin and the Old-Italic Languages Affinity with the Slovene

Eric Tomas De Saint Maur
Objava o karantanskem knezu in svetniku sv. Domicijanu iz leta 1863 124
Notification About the Carantanian Duke and Saint Domician from 1863

Davorin Žunkovič
Nekaj iz zgodovine jantarja (prevedel in dopolnil Eric Tomas De Saint-Maur) 129
A Bit of the Amber History (Translated and Supplemented by Eric Tomas De Saint-Maur)

Eric Tomas De Saint Maur
Pǽsoglavci: bajka ali resnica? 137
Cynocephali: a Myth or the Truth?

Duša Krnel Umek
Ob izidu zadnjega Zbornika konferenc Korenine slovenskega naroda 143
On the Way by the Last Issue of Proceedings of the Conference Origin of Slovenes

      BASED ON the list of 19' century authors who researched Slovenian antiquity — it is self evident that the witnesses in the region recognized the fact that Slovenes were the autochthonous people in Slovenia and proximal lands. The presence of Slovenes was recognized and routinely acknowledged. Among such authors were Matevž Ravnikar Poženčan, Davorin Trstenjak and Peter Hicinger, as well as the Russian Jurij Venelin. After WWI (i.e. after 1918) this knowledge was gradually forgotten and only few individuals entertained it.
      The research was resurrected by the Rev. Ivan Tomažič in 1981 with the establishment of the fund »Foundation for the Advan(ement of Researdi and Promotion of Slovenian History«. At first I. Tomažič and Dr. Joško Šavli published a few papers, then Tomažič expanded the project to books in collaboration with Dr. Joško Savli and the academician Matej Bor. He and his colleagues rediscovered the History (and Prehistory) of the Slovenian People and disseminated the findings about their ancestors. Other Slovene and foreign scholars gravitated to the project and from 2001 the flow of ideas flourished under the heading »Origin of Slovenes«.
      Other groups and individuals began to emulate and expand the work of Bor, Tomažič and Šavli. Under their guidance or independently this spawned many publications. New media and technology provide easier exchange of ideas and access to sources of publication. Thus there are ever more sources of raw data and more data processing and synthesis is demanded. There are many more possibilities for research teams and/or individuals to contribute significantly to this movement.

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