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Proceedings No. 5
Proceedings No. 5 Proceedings No. 5 Proceedings No. 5

Proceedings No. 5

19,50 €

of the 4th International Topical Conference Ancient Inhabitants of Europe, Lublana, June 9th and 10th, 2006
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 256
Height: 23.5 cm
Width: 16.5 cm
Weight: 480g
Language: English, Slovene
Author: (see Contents)
Publisher: Jutro
Year: 2006
ISBN: 978-961-64337-5-4

Ivan Tomažič
Staroselci Norika 5
The Ancient Inhabitants of Noricum

† Lucijan Vuga
Karel Oštir v luči teorije kontinuitete 12
Linguist Karel Oštir in the Light of the Theory of Continuity

Joseph Skulj, Jagdish C. Sharda, Ratnakar Narale, Snejina Sonina
‘Lexical Self–Dating’ Evidence for a Common Agro-Pastoral Origin of Sanskrit ‘Gopati’, ‘Gospati’ and Slavic ‘Gospod’, ‘Gospodin’ Meaning Lord/Master/Gentleman More Than 8,000 Years Ago 40
Datiranje na osnovi besedišč dokazuje, da imajo 'gopati', 'gospati' v sanskrtu in 'gospod', 'gospodin' v slovanskih jezikih skupen izvor v dobi pašništva pred več kot 8000 leti

Vinko Vodopivec
Kelti na slovenskem, resnica ali mit? 59
Celts in Slovenia, Truth or Myth?

Pavel Serafimov
Celto-Slavic Similarities 82
Podobnosti med galščino in slovanščinami

Andrej Rant
Imena in priimki v Veliki Britaniji in Sloveniji 117
Names and Surnames in Great Britain and Slovenia

Vinko Vodopivec
Nabor venetskih napisov, delitev, prevod in slovar 118
Collection of Venetic Inscriptions, Division, Translation, Vocabulary

Feliks Srečo Smole
Nekaj o venetskih napisih 145
On Venetic Inscriptions

Anthony Ambrozic, Pavel Serafimov, Giancarlo Tomezzoli
The Venetic Inscription ES 120 on the Cup of "Scolo di Lozzo" 164
Venetski napis ES 120 na čaši iz “Scolo di Lozzo”

Pavel Serafimov
Steinberg Inscription 172
Napis z gore Steinberg

Alojz Kumar
Analiza in razlaga napisov na vojvodskem stolu 181
Analysis and Interpretation of the Inscriptions on the Ducal Throne

Anton Perdih
Venetski napis v Kamniških alpah? 192
Venetic inscription in Kamnik Alps?

Jože Rant
Sledi slovanskega jezikovnega substrata v jeziku sodobnih Ladincev 195
Traces of Slavic Linguistic Substrate in the Language of Present-day Ladinian Population

Pavel Serafimov
Sitovo Inscription 196
Napis iz Sitovega

Vojislav P. Nikčević
Praizvor, prototip i praiskon izgovora slov(j)enskog jata (ѣ) 203
Ancient Source, Prototype and Original Articulation of the Slavonic Sound Jat (ѣ)

Marco Silvestri, Giancarlo Tomezzoli
3D Facial Reconstruction from an Ancient Skull of a Female Subject from Oberkassel bei Bonn (Germany) 223
3D rekonstrukcija obraza starodavne ženske lobanje z Oberkassla pri Bonnu

Marco Silvestri, Giancarlo Tomezzoli
3D Average Facial Reconstruction of Adult Female Skulls From the Necropolis at the Castle of Ptuj (Slovenia) 230
3D rekonstrukcija povprečnega obraza lobanj odraslih žensk z grobišča ptujskega gradu

Rudi Koncilija
Slovenci – praprebivalci v srcu Evrope 237
The Slovenes - the Ancient Inhabitants in the Heart of Europe
Zaključek 250
Conclusions 252
Naslovi avtorjev 255
Authors' addresses

      The evidence suggests that in Noricum the urban population as well as the demography of military outposts was largely Roman. But the rural population of the countryside was largely not Romanized. There is no evidence nor Source of reports that would suggest that the ancestors of the Slovenes immigrated into the region. The name »Sloveniac existed before the arrival of Croats in the year 626 AD. All the present-day Croatian territories belonged to Slovenians and it had been named »Slovenia«.
      A leading European linguists, Mario Alinei states: »l have to commence by clearing away one of the most absurd consequences of the traditional chronology, namely, that of the 'arrivaľ of the Slavs into the immense area in which they now live. The only logical conclusion can be that the southern branch of the Slavs is the oldest and that from it developed the Slavic western and eastern branches in a differing manner and perhaps at different times ... Today only a minority of experts support the theory of a late migration for the Slavs... The surmised 'Slavic migration' is full of inconsistencies. There is no 'northern Slavic language', it is rather only a variant of the southern Slavic ... The first metallurgic cultures in the Balkans are Slavic ... and connected with Anatolia ... Slavic presence in the territory, nearly identical to the one occupied by them today, exists ever since the Stone Age ... The Slavs have (together with the Greeks and other Balkan peoples) developed agriculture ... agriculturally mixed economy, typically European, which later enabled the birth of the Greek, Etruscan, and Latin urbanism. Germanic peoples adopted agriculture from the Slavs ...«

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