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Proceedings No. 17
Proceedings No. 17 Proceedings No. 17 Proceedings No. 17

Proceedings No. 17

19,90 €

of the 18th International Topical Conference Origin of Slovenes and Europeans, Lublana, 4th of June, 2021
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 176
Height: 23.5 cm
Width: 16.5 cm
Weight: 375 g
Language: English, Slovene
Author: (see Contents)
Publisher: PROMIN d.o.o.
Year: 2022
ISBN: 978-961-947-0-947

Yuriy Myskiv
A New Methodology in Determining  the Names of Celtic Tribes 7
Nov pristop pri določitvi imen keltskih plemen

Giancarlo T. Tomezzoli, Reinhardt S. Stein
The Pliska Inscription 32
Napis Pliska

Simon Prosen
Kosezi 41

Gina Pigozzo Bernardi
The Stele of Mountain Pore 61
Spomenik z gore Pore

Marko Hrovat
Dolence - svetovna vojna v antiki 66
Dolence - The World War in Antiquity

Marko Hrovat
Kljosov vidik bitke pri Dolencah 87
Klyosov's Understanding of the Battle by Dolence

Milenko Zailac
Principle of Duality and Symmetry Applied on the Etruscan Inscriptions Decipherment 97
Načelo dvojstva in sorazmerja uporabljeno na dešifriranih etruščanskih napisih

Adelina Pahor
Glagolica in glagoljaši v slovenski Istri in na Slovenskem 123
The Glagolitic Script and its Writers in the Slovene Istria and in the Slovene Ground

Reinhardt S. Stein, Giancarlo T. Tomezzoli
The Inscription Nr. 6858 from Kjolmen (Bulgaria) 151
Napis št. 6858 iz Kjolmena (Bolgarija)

Marko Hrovat
Homo sapiens v soju resnice 161
Homo Sapiens Illuminated by the Truth

     Independence of science is a free state in which any educated person can research without restriction and is allowed to publish results in significant public media. When lies are being forced intentionally, while the truth is being actively restricted, we know that parasites control society’s immune system. We can find nowadays society in such a state. Cancer took control of the flow of information. Now that cancer formation is destroying healthy cells. SSK (Slovene World Congress) which held many important events of great importance for Slovenes all around the Globe, was disabled by para-sites. In 2018, that evil creature prevented SSK from working normally; after that, they succeeded in throwing them out of their office. In a new disreputable location, out of the center of Lublana, the management of SSK was forbidden to hold any public event, even if rooms are suitable enough.

What does the exposed situation reveal to us? It tells straightly that the Slovene society is being controlled by parasites, who want to shout down the Slovene speech and push out the Slovenekind on the periphery of the state, which is native of the Slovene language. The Slovene greatest poet Prešeren wrote: »Less fearful is the night in black earth’s womb Then days of slavery here beneath the sun.« How do get rid of cancer formations? Just ask the oncology surgeon.

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