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Proceedings No. 6
Proceedings No. 6 Proceedings No. 6 Proceedings No. 6

Proceedings No. 6

20,00 €

of the 5th International Topical Conference Origin of Europeans, Lublana, June 8th and 9th, 2007
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 224
Height: 23.5 cm
Width: 16.5 cm
Weight: 426 g
Language: English, Slovene
Author: (see Contents)
Publisher: Jutro
Year: 2007
ISBN: 978-961-64338-3-9

Mihael Budja
Who are the Europeans? 7
Kdo smo Evropejci?

Joseph Skulj
Y-chromosome Frequencies and the Implications on the Theories Relating to the Origin and Settlement of Finno-Ugric, Proto -Hungarian and Slavic Populations 27
Pomen pogostosti kromosoma Y za teorije o izvoru in poselitvi ugrofinskih, pramadžarskih in slovanskih ljudstev

Tome Boshevski, Aristotel Tentov
Tracing the Script and the Language of the Ancient Macedonians 43
Ugotavljanje pisave in jezika antičnih Makedoncev

Robert Petrič
Venetska teorija in izvor Slovenov 65
Venetic Theory and the Origin of Sloveni

Marjan Ivan Moškon
Izza Karpatov? 86
From Beyond the Carpathian Mountains?

Duša Krnel-Umek
Staroselci severnega Jadrana v opisih od 16. do 19. stoletja 91
Ancient Settlers at the Northern Adriatic in the Descriptions from the 16th to 19th Century

Anton Perdih
Betacizem po tolminsko 101
Betacism in the Tolminski Dialect

Pavel Serafimov
Etymological Analysis of Thracian Toponyms and Hydronyms 134
Etimološka analiza trakijskih krajevnih in vodnih imen

Vinko Vodopivec
Nekaj galskih napisov 155
Some Gallic Inscriptions

Pavel Serafimov
New Reading of the Thracian Inscription on the Golden Ring from Ezerovo 176
Novo branje trakijskega napisa na zlatem uhanu z Ezerovega

Marco Silvestri, Giancarlo Tomezzoli
Linguistic Distances Betwen Rhaetian, Venetic, Latin and Slovenian Languages 184
Jezikovne razdalje med retijskim, venetskim, latinskim in slovenskim jezikom

Pavel Serafimov, Giancarlo Tomezzoli
The Stones of Newton (Scotland) 191
Newtonova kamna (Škotska)

Pavel Serafimov
Translation of Eteocretan Epioi Inscription 199
Prevod eteokretskega napisa Epioi

Andrej Rant
Surnames in Swansea Area (Wales, Great Britain) and in Slovenia 207
Priimki na področju mesta Swansea (Wales, Velika Britanija) in v Sloveniji

Anton Perdih
»Ugrofinske množinske oblike« v slovenščini 213
“Finno-Ugrian Plural forms” in Slovenian

Petr Jandáček
The Lord’s Prayer “Our Father” Indicates Slovenes are West Slavs 217
Molitev “Oče naš” kaže, da so Slovenci zahodni Slovani
Naslovi avtorjev 220
Addresses of Authors


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