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Proceedings No. 8
Proceedings No. 8 Proceedings No. 8 Proceedings No. 8

Proceedings No. 8

21,50 €

of the 7th International Topical Conference Origin of Europeans, Lublana, June 5th and 6th, 2009
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 208
Height: 23.5 cm
Width: 16.5 cm
Weight: 354 g
Language: English, Slovene
Author: (see Contents)
Publisher: Jutro
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-961-67463-0-4

Moreno Mitrović
Onomastic Structures 7
Imenoslovne strukture

Vinko Vodopivec
Zbir starofrigijskih napisov, delitev, prevod in besednjak 31
A Collection of Old Phrygian Inscriptions, division, Translation and Vocabulary

Pavel Serafimov, Anton Perdih
Translation of the Linear A Tablet HT 13 from Crete 58
Prevod besedila na tablici HT 13 s Krete, napisanega s pisavo Linear A

Vinko Vodopivec
Starofrigijski napisi Pterije na kamnih 74
Old Phrygian Inscriptions of Pterie on Stones

Pavel Serafimov, Giancarlo Tomezzoli
The Inscription from Tell El-Dab’a 89
Napis iz Tell El-Dab’a

Vinko Vodopivec
Najdaljši venetski napis 97
The Longest Venetic Inscription

Giancarlo Tomezzoli, Pavel Serafimov, Vinko Vodopivec
Two Noricum Inscriptions 119
Noriška napisa

Vinko Vodopivec
Napisa na situlah iz grada in Posočja ter na ploščici iz Gradiča 128
Inscriptions on Situlas from Grad and Posočje and on Plate from Gradič

Vinko Vodopivec
Napisi na ptujskih oljenkah 141
Inscriptions on Oil Lamps from Ptuj

Vinko Vodopivec
Primerjava branj napisa na prstanu iz Ezerova 148
Comparison of Reading of Inscription on Golden Ring from Ezerovo

Vinko Vodopivec
Retijski napisi na skali v Steinbergu 161
Rhaetic Inscriptions on the Rock of Steinberg

Andrej Rant
Venetski izvor priimkov nekaterih beneških dožev 178
Venetic Origin of Surnames of some Venetian Doges

Robert Petrič
Koren gor in njegovi sinonimi v alpskem svetu 185
Root »gor« and its Synonyms in Alpine Region

Marjan Ivan Moškon
Kdo s(m)o Slovinci 194
Who (we) are Slovinci
Naslovi avtorjev 206
Author's addresses

      Papers published in present Proceedings show that the majority of territorial names in Central Europe originate in Slavic language roots. This indicates the aborigine status of Slavic speaking populations in this region. Typically, territorial characteristics were named by aborigines since they were very important for them. Especially names of rivers and mountains were useful way-marks on their commercial travelling. Naming originated at the latest in the time when they were advancing towards North during warming after the last glacial period, and the latest during their retraction towards South after strong cooling in the 2nd millennium BC.
      Papers on pre-antique inscriptions understandable using Slavic language bases indicate their incorrect understanding by West European linguists, who see in these ancient inscriptions first of all some supposed names. As a criterion they use Latin endings that do not give suitable results and do not correspond in frequency analysis with Latin as the reference language. Characteristic for their deciphering is the absence of analysis of characteristics of these inscriptions, for example the frequency of sounds, roots and word endings in those ancient dialects.
      Papers on Venetic, Rhaetic, Phrygian and Thracian inscriptions use the approach based on root bases, and they also consider statistical evaluation of language phenomena. As a basic characteristic they consider dialectal tongues that are not as uniformed as the present literary languages. Till now this fact wasn't taken into account by West European linguists. Dividing of continuous inscriptions is based in present papers on roots and only suitable division of those texts makes possible the analysis of dialects. Only after these steps it is possible to determine dialectal endings as a base for grammatical details.

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