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Proceedings No. 9
Proceedings No. 9 Proceedings No. 9 Proceedings No. 9

Proceedings No. 9

21,00 €

of the 8th International Topical Conference Origin of Europeans, Lublana, June 4th and 5th, 2010
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 216
Height: 23.5 cm
Width: 16.5 cm
Weight: 368 g
Language: English, Slovene
Author: (see Contents)
Publisher: Jutro
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-961-67464-7-2

Odyssey Belchevsky
Proto Slavic Roots of the European Languages were Analyzed and Confirmed with a new Methodology / Principles of Conceptual Linguistics and Their Nature-Based Evolution 7
Korenine evropskih jezikov so analizirane in potrjene z novo metodologijo

Marjeta Manfreda Vakar, Darko Vrečko
Slovenija v DNK bazenu Sveta 29
Slovenia in the DNA Pool of the World

Zoran Siriški
Latin Plant Names as Superstructure on Indigenous ProtoSlavic Substrate 52
Latinska imena rastlin kot nadgranja ljudskih praslovanskih imen

Anton Perdih
Comparison of some Methods of Estimation of Linguistic Distances 78
Primerjava nekaj metod za oceno jezikovne razdalje

Pavel Serafimov, Giancarlo Tomezzoli
Slavic Influences in the Ancient Gaul 87
Slovanski vpliv v klasični Galiji

Antonije Škokljev, Slave Nikolovski
A Part of the History of Ancient Macedonia 98
Del zgodovine stare Makedonije

Vinko Vodopivec
Statistična primerjava črk in besed 107
Statistics Comparison of Letters and Words

Vinko Vodopivec
Stopnja narečnosti v venetskih, retijskih in starofrigijskih napisih 123
Dialectality in Venetic, Rhaetic and Old Phrygian Inscriptions

Anton Perdih, Vinko Vodopivec
Posebni znaki v Starofrigijskih napisih 139
Special Signs in Old Phrygian Inscriptions

Vinko Vodopivec
Tajnost zapisovanja in njegovo razkrivanje 153
Secret of Writing and its Deciphering

Dusan Polansky
Antonin Horak – General Overview 175
Antonin Horak – splošni pregled

Vinko Vodopivec
Primerjava branj napisa na skrilu iz Kjolmena 180
Comparison of Reading of Inscription on Slate from Kjolmen

Dusan Polansky
Reading of Novilara Stele by Antonin Horak 189
Stela Novilara in branje Antonina Horaka

Vinko Vodopivec
Novo razumevanje napisa Tell El-Dab'a 201
New Understanding of Tell El-Dab’a Inscription

Vinko Vodopivec
Napisa na situlah iz Grada in Posočja ter na ploščici iz Gradiča - Popravek 214
Inscriptions on Situlas from Grad and Posočje and on Plate from Gradič – Correction
Naslovi avtorjev 215
Authors' addresses

      Etymological dictionaries compare existing words with those in older languages and do not take into consideration their natural origin. The origin of words is not defined with the use in ancient languages since most of important words have their own, much older natural origin. This is connected with that what people had heard, seen, touched, looked, understood and concerned and these perceptions expressed in their language. Many expressions with unknown etymology could be explained with help of Slavic languages.
      Genetics is supplementing our knowledge about the origin of Slovenes, which is of similar age as the other European peoples. Genetic characteristics of Slovenes are similar to other west Slavic peoples and also to Central Europeans and Scandinavians.
      On decipherment of ancient inscriptions the most important is to choose the language of understanding. The frequency analysis uncovers good accordance with the properly chosen language of understanding. Slovene as undoubtedly the most archaic Slavic language is confirmed as useful also by the frequency analysis of sounds, of average length of words and frequency of the first and last sounds in the words.
      Understanding of Venetic, Rhaeti( and Old Phrygian inscriptions made it possible to put together respective glossaries as a basis to define the dialectal degree of them. Dialectal words in those ancient languages comprise more than 60 % of all, and literary words less than 25 %, so for a suitable use of terminal sounds in the words the dialect in which an inscription is written should be known. This demands special linguistic study since the dialects in which mentioned ancient inscriptions are written are not known to the linguists.

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