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Proceedings No. 10
Proceedings No. 10 Proceedings No. 10 Proceedings No. 10

Proceedings No. 10

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of the 9th International Topical Conference Origin of Europeans, Lublana, June 3rd, 2011
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 232
Height: 23.5 cm
Width: 16.5 cm
Weight: 441 g
Language: English, Slovene
Author: (see Contents)
Publisher: Jutro
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-961-67465-2-6

Eric Tomas de Saint-Maur
Prastara vinedska-slovenska narodna in državna znamenja 9
Prehistoric National and State Symbols of Vendes-Slovenes

Anton Perdih
Linguistic Analysis Based on The Frequency of Sound Pairs and Triplets 27
Jezikovna analiza pogostosti dvojnih in trojnih glasov

Vinko Vodopivec
Jezikovne primerjave črk, dvojčkov in trojčkov 49
Linguistic Comparison of the Letter Pairs and Triplets

Giancarlo Tomezzoli, Joseph Kreutz
The Linguistic Position of the Tocharian 67
Jezikoslovna umestitev toharščine

Vinko Vodopivec
Zbir mesapskih napisov, delitev, prevod in slovar 87
A Bunch of the Messapian inscriptions, Division, Transcription and Dictionary

Vinko Vodopivec
Sistem razbiranja starih napisov 131
The System of Revealing the Ancient Inscriptions

Marjan Ivan Moškon
Sloveni 151

Vinko Vodopivec
Primerjava obravnav Novilara stele 159
Comparison of Different Novilara Stele Approaches

Vinko Vodopivec
Primerjava razumevanj mesapskih napisov 179
Comparison of Understandings the Messapian Inscriptions

Eric Tomas de Saint-Maur
Predstavitev knjigice Thomasa Jaritza 193
Introduction of the Booklet of Thomas Jaritz

Marjan Ivan Moškon
O jeziku staroselcev 209
About the Aboriginal Language

Pavel Serafimov, Giancarlo Tomezzoli
Evidence for Early Slavic Presence in Minoan Crete 219
Dokazi o zgodnjeslovanski prisotnosti na Kreti v času minojske kulture
Naslovi avtorjev 230
Authors' addresses

      History is defined in the Dictionary of Literary Slovene as: Wholesomeness of what happened in the past in development ofsingle person, community, field.
      A nations' history is a collection of all statements and proofs in different research fields from genetics, archaeology, history and linguistic, to all cultural characteristics from religion, mythology sociology, artistry and economics fields including those in pasture, farming and crafting.
      It has to collect all the knowledge connected to the present and past national region and all essential national characteristics, especially linguistic sources and remnants, which present the best the basic nation distinction, the language. Inscriptions extend in ancient times, but geographical names are much older. These names testify about the aboriginal population, which named them.
      Central Europe got in the 10th century free of permanent ice. Because of the contemporary rises of the sea level, the inhabitants on flooded areas around the Mediterranean had to move towards North and there they named the characteristic geographic shapes.
      During past times the ancestors of present nations had different names, but mainly they kept their characteristics. Historians who do not accept older characteristics of the peoples and their different names aren't authentic.

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