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Proceedings No. 12
Proceedings No. 12 Proceedings No. 12 Proceedings No. 12

Proceedings No. 12

25,00 €

of the 11th International Topical Conference Origin of Europeans, Lublana, May 31st, 2013
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 288
Height: 23.5 cm
Width: 16.5 cm
Weight: 479 g
Language: English, Slovene
Author: (see Contents)
Publisher: Jutro
Year: 2014
ISBN: 978-961-67467-7-9
V spomin Vinku Vodopivcu 1941-2013 7
In Memoriam to Vinko Vodopivec 1941-2013

Anton Perdih
Hierarhično grupiranje podatkov o pogostosti glasov v starih jezikih 9
Hierarchical Grouping of Data About the Frequency of Sounds in Ancient Languages

Vinko Vodopivec
Zbir etruščanskih napisov, delitev, prevod in slovar 15
A Bunch of the Etruscan Inscriptions, Division, Transcription and Dictionary

Vinko Vodopivec
Zbir umbrijskih napisov, delitev, prevod in slovar 48
A Bunch of the Umbrian Inscriptions, Division, Transcription and Dictionary

Vinko Vodopivec
Razumevanje samnitskih napisov 78
Understanding of the Samnitic Inscriptions

Valery Osipov
The Reading of Etruscan Inscription TLE 89091 91
Branje etruščanskega napisa TLE 89091

Zoran Siriški
The Origin of the Word Calendar 95
Izvor besede koledar

Giancarlo Tomezzoli, Pavel Serafimov
The Linear-A Inscriptions II.1, II.2 from the Palace of Knossos 105
Linearna-A pisava II.1, II.2 iz palače v Knososu

Giancarlo Tomezzoli, Anatole Klyosov
DNA Genealogy and Linguistics. A new Migration / Lingustictic / Settlement Paradigm for Ancient Europe 115
DNA rodoslovje in jezikoslovje. Novo videnje premikov, jezikov in naselitev v starodavni Evropi

Marjan Ivan Moškon
O stari slovenščini 142
About the Old Slovene

Andrej Šiško
Slovenci, Sloveni, slovenski in Slovenija v dveh starih kronikah panonskih Slovencev 159
Slovenians, Slovenes, Slovene and Slovenia Found in Two Old-Chronicles of the Pannonian Slovenes

Cyril A. Hromník
Slovenikam / Slovensko na brieždenĺ 180
The Dawn of Slovenikam / Slovensko

Marko Hrovat
Etimologija besed trebiuti, črepinje, čreva, trebuh, cev, črv in červena (barva) 202
The Etymology of the Words Trebiuti, Črepinje, Čreva, Trebuh, Cev, Črv and Červena (color)

Eric Tomas de Saint Maur
Starorimski bog Mars, njegov prvoten pomen in vzdevki 244
The Old-Roman God of Mars, His Primary Meaning and Synonyms

Eric Tomas de Saint Maur
Sledovi Venetov v nekaterih današnjih obatlantskih, sredozemskih in črnomorskih jezikih 248
The Traces of Veneti in Some of the Present Day Languages Spoken by Atlantic, Mediterranean and Black Sea Areas

George Sotiroff
Feničani, Veničani, Heneti, Veneti in Vendi 266
Phoenicians, Venitians, Henets, Venetians and Wends

George Sotiroff
Ali je obstajala avtohtona pisava v slovanski deželi pred časom Cirila in Metoda? 274
Was There any Autochthonous Script in Slavic Land Before the Time of Saints Cyril and Methodus

      THE PROCEEDINGS of the Eleventh International Conference Roots of Slovenes — ORIGIN OF EUROPEANS brings to light the latest findings of Slovene as well as international experts and scientista about the ancient population in Slovenia and elsewhere in Europe. The research is focused on the relationship between the linguistics and genetics, which shows that Slovene and Venetian are of the same origin as tocharian language. The holders of R1A group, which includes Tocharians, migrated four thousand years ago from the middle Europe to the east across the Carpathian range all the way to Eastern Asia. This proofs that Slovenes have been natives in Europe for 4000 and more years.
      The similarity between modern and old Slovene is shown by inscriptions in Crete that go as far as the second millennium B.C. and Etruscan, Umbrian and Samnite inscriptions as well. The Greek names of the indigenous community in the Danubian region mention both Slovenes and Slavenes, which means that the natives of Macedonia and Pannonia spoke an old Slovene language and were inhabitants the countries of Sdavinia and Slauonia. In the Chronicle of Anton Vramec (1578) is the term Slovenes stated first for the year 2175 BC and next to the fourth century BC in the period of Alexander of Macedonia.
      The historical records that considered Slovenes as indigenous population within the borders of our country and beyond had prevailed up to the beginning of the 20' century, have become afterwards much forgotten, withheld and rather concealed. The works that have been published in the last thirty years have gathered a lot of new historical facts, which makes it crucial for the new generation to come up with an updated version of the history that should present Slovenes as one of the oldest nations in Europe.

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