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Proceedings No. 14
Proceedings No. 14 Proceedings No. 14 Proceedings No. 14

Proceedings No. 14

19,50 €

of the 14th International Topical Conference Origin of Slovenes and Europeans, Lublana, June 4th 2015
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 124
Height: 23.5 cm
Width: 16.5 cm
Weight: 247 g
Language: English, Slovene
Author: (see Contents)
Publisher: Jutro
Year: 2017
ISBN: 978-961-70240-0-5

Marko Hrovat
Ujik Inscription and Overview of the Raetic Language 5
Napis Ujik in vpogled v jezik Retov

Marko Hrovat
Pišta Inscription and Where did the Raeti Disappeared to? 25
Napis Pišta in kam so Reti poniknili?

Marko Hrovat
The RI Inscriptions and Their Relations to the Veneti 49
Napisi RI in njihova povezava z Veneti

Petr Jandáček
Słəŋ (Slon) was Apparently the Trans-Eurasian Word for Mammoth / Elephant 93
Evrazijska beseda za mamuta / slona je bila očitno Słəŋ (Slon)

Mila Deacon
Wendish in Ancient Gaul 99
Vendščina v pradavni Galiji

      TIME cannot be held up, but a wanderer who travels through the tirne can stop. He can remove deposit, which had covered knowledge and simple truth of our ancestors, through the time. The modern progression of unlimited one-way growth made us blind. Contrarily, the ancient knowledge, but also the philosophy, regards correlation and integrity. Human improved his material Bide of life a lot, while he has been pushing aside the spiritual essence of the origin. The individualism has been stimulated in detriment of the collective spirit. The general election right shall shift decision-making to majority. But, in practice, irrespectively to the quantity of education, human beings are stili trapped by the elementary hidden social tights, which are common to some other beings also. Human population majority does not look for the truth really, but they follow blindly to the "herd-leader". If the "herd-leader" or the leading "herd" shall suffer the benefit, it would be the main reason for rejecting new scientific revelation. The magnificence of the revelation plays not rule in that matter. After all, a question is raised up; what for to strive for the truth? The answer can be found in the last contribution, which starts in the words: "To the honor of the RI..."

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