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Proceedings No. 15
Proceedings No. 15 Proceedings No. 15 Proceedings No. 15

Proceedings No. 15

19,50 €

of the 15th International Topical Conference Origin of Slovenes and Europeans, Lublana, 2nd of June, 2016
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 128
Height: 23.5 cm
Width: 16.5 cm
Weight: 278 g
Language: English, Slovene
Author: (see Contents)
Publisher: Promin
Year: 2018
ISBN: 978-961-28849-4-9

Marko Hrovat
Istok’s Cup – The Oldest Celtic Inscription 5
Istokova kupica - najstarejši keltski napis

Marko Hrovat
Boundary Stone from Vercelli, Bilangual Latin – Celtic Inscription 18
Mejnik iz Vercellija, dvojezičen latinsko - keltski napis

Anton Perdih
Najnovejši podatki o preživetju človeštva 37
The Newest Data About Survival of Humanity

Marko Hrovat
The Tombstone of Commander Jan 41
Nagrobni kamen povelnika Jana

Reinhardt S. Stein, Giancarlo T. Tomezzoli
The Inscription of Parvomai (Bulgaria) 58
Napis Prvomai (Bolgarija)

Marko Hrovat
Lenia - Venetic Inscription Written in Latin Letters 64
Lenia - venetski napis v latinski pisavi

Igor Tureček
Decipherment of Bernstorf Ambers Inscriptions 84
Dešifriranje napisa na jantarju iz Bernsdorfa

Marko Hrovat
The Etymology of the Word Jantar in All European Languages 95
Etimologija besede jantar v vseh evropskih jezikih

      THE NEW genetic data show that the Europe was settled much earlier than we thought till now. The latest studies show that the Celtic language is easily understandable to the average speaker of some present Slovene dialects, even after 2.500 years. The Venetic language was studied unsuccessfully by many scholars. Even the Venetic inscription written in Latin script stayed a mystery.

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