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Proceedings No. 1
Proceedings No. 1 Proceedings No. 1 Proceedings No. 1

Proceedings No. 1

24,00 €

of the First International Topical Conference The Veneti within the Ethnogenesis of the Central-European Population, Lublana, September 17th-18th, 2001
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 240
Height: 23.5 cm
Width: 16.5 cm
Weight: 442 g
Language: English, Slovene
Author: (see Contents)
Publisher: Jutro
Year: 2002
ISBN: 978-961-64330-6-7
Predgovor 7
Preface 8
Oživitev zanimanja za izvor Slovencev 9
Revival of Interest for the Origin of Slovenes 11

Ivan Tomažič
Veneti so začetek slovenskega naroda 13
Veneti are the Beginning of the Slovenes

Lucijan Vuga
Sodobna teorija kontinuitete – Baltiški, Jadranski in Paflagonski Veneti 24
The Contemporary Theory of Continuity - the Baltic, Adriatic, and Paphlagonian Veneti

Pavel V. Tulajev
Veneti: Slav's Ancestors 35
Veneti predniki Slovanov

Stjepan Pantelić
The Veneti were Autochthonous in Carinthia 38
Veneti so bili na Koroškem avtohtoni

Charles Bryant-Abraham
Refinements and Future Directions in Venetic Scholarship 48
Izboljšave in usmeritve venetskih proučevanj

Ivan Gorenc
Pričevanje cesarja Julijana o naseljenosti Venetov okoli Ogleja še v IV. stoletju našega štetja 60
Reports of the Emperor Julian on Veneti Settlements in the Region of Aquilea as Late as the 4th Century AD

Radivoje Pešić, Vesna Pešić
The Vincha Script 66
Napisi iz Vinče

Milan V. Smolej, Pavel V. Tulajev
Veneti, Scandinavia, Russia – some Observations 71
Veneti, Skandinavija in Rusija - nekaj opažanj

Aleksandar Donski
Ancient Macedonians: Did they have a Common Origin with the Veneti? 77
Ali so imeli predniki Makedoncev skupen izvor z Veneti?

Jože Rant
Veneti kot tema iskanja in pregledovanja znanstvene literature 94
The Veneti Theme in Scientific Literature

Janez Orešnik
O primerjalni metodi v jezikoslovju 109
The Linguistic Comparative Method

Joseph Skulj, Jagdish C. Sharda
Indo-Aryan and Slavic Affinities 112
Sorodnost med indo-arijskimi in slovanskimi jeziki

Vojislav P. Nikčević
Nova spoznanja o Venetih kot prednikih Slovencev 122
New Supplements About the Veneti, the Ancestors of the Slovenes

Anthony Ambrozic
Etymological Parallelism in Inscriptions, Tribal Names, Toponyms, Hydronyms, and word Compounding from Ancient Gaul 131
Etimološka vzporednost v napisih, plemenskih imenih, krajevnih in rečnih imenih ter besedotvornih sestavljankah antične Galije

Tomaž Grohar
Sledovi slovenščine v Franciji 150
The Traces of Slovenian in France

Petr Jandaček, Lojze Arko
Linguistic Connections Between Basques and Slavs (Veneti) in Antiquity 151
Jezikovne povezave med Baski in Slovani (Veneti) v davnini

Vinko Vodopivec
Atestinske tablice verski in jezikovni pomniki naših prednikov 167
Atestine Tablets, the Religious and Language Reminder of our Ancestors

Giancarlo Tomezzoli
About two Magre-Rhaetic Inscriptions in the Civic Natural History Museum in Verona 182
O dveh magre-retijskih napisih v naravoslovnem muzeju v Veroni

Andrej Rant
Pismenstvo v jugovzhodnih Alpah v prazgodovini 188
Knowledge of Writing in the Area of Southeastern Alps in Prehistoric Time

Janez Bizjak
Prispevek k razpravi o etnogenezi prebivalstva v Alpah 196
On the Ethnogenesis of the Population in Alps

Boštjan Kiauta
Snake Associations in the European »Dragonfly« Folk Appelations: Distributional Pattern 199
Omenjanje kače v ljudskih izrazih za kačjega pastirja in vzorec pojavljanja

Štefan Babič
Neprekinjenost krščanstva v Sloveniji 201
The Continuity of Christianity in Slovenia

Dimitrij Kebe
Kje je bilo japodsko mesto "Metullum"? 205
Yapodic City of Metullum

Anton Škerbinc
Angleška izdaja knjige "Veneti" 208
The English Edition of the Book "Veneti"

Giancarlo Tomezzoli
Venetic Archive 214
Zbirka Venetic archive

Andrej Lenarčič
Plečnik and Veneti 217
Plečnik in Veneti

Eric Tomas
Sledovi Venetov v pričevanju Jakoba Lorberja 224
Traces of the Veneti in the Testimony of Jacob Lorber

Jožica Gerden
Veneti v Avstraliji 227
The Wends in Australia

Andrej Rant
Interdisciplinarni projekt: ustanovitev Inštituta za proučevanje etnogeneze Slovencev (IPES) 233
Interdisciplinary Project: Foundation of the Institute for the Ethnogenesis of the Slovenes
Zaključki 235
Conclusions 237

     Slovenian had heretofore been inaccurately classified as a South Slavic language, where in fact it is to be ranked among the West Slavic languages. This question continues to deserve all the attention it can bear, and this entire issue should be reassigned to a specialized subcommittee for future development and redirected out of Venetic research altogether. Venetic topology must be pursued, especially in areas where inscriptions do independently attest to earlier Venetic settlement. The importance of the Venetic runic inscriptions themselves must lead to the development of a separate and distinct scientific discipline, commanding the keenest focus of all Slavicists, for it does constitute the cultural patrimony of all Slavs. The high value of the ultra-conservative Slovenian dialects in the decipherment of these inscriptions has the potential of so enhancing the appreciation of Slovenian linguistics that those alpine dialects may yet come to be collectively hailed as the ”mother of Slavic languages." Research into these inscriptions should proceed ”full steam ahead" to produce credibly deciphered texts which can then later be analyzed by linguistic specialists who will write their descriptions in the conventional jargon of the trade. To achieve these goals, an institute is to be founded where the scholars of different fields (historians, archaeologists, ethnologists, linguists, etymologists, anthropologists, etc.) would systematically study the ethnogenesis of Slovenians and other peoples from the Stone Age on.

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