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Proceedings No. 4
Proceedings No. 4 Proceedings No. 4 Proceedings No. 4

Proceedings No. 4

19,50 €

of the 3rd International Topical Conference Ancient Settlers of Europe, Lublana, June 10th - 11th 2005
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 184
Height: 23.5 cm
Width: 16.5 cm
Weight: 316 g
Language: English, Slovene
Author: (see Contents)
Publisher: Jutro
Year: 2005
ISBN: 961-64335-1-2
Predgovor 5
Foreward 6

Duša Krnel-Umek
Meja med Histri in Veneti v opisu iz leta 1775 7
The Boundary Between Histri and Veneti as Described in 1775 AD

Jože Škulj
Etruscans, Veneti and Slovenes: A Genetic Perspective 20
Etruščani, Veneti in Slovenci: genetski vidik

Vinko Vodopivec
Izum kolesa gibalo napredka 31
The Invention of the Wheel as the Impetus to Progress

Ivan Tomažič
Imena pričajo 51
The Names Testify

Vojislav P. Nikčević
Jat (ѣ) u slovenskom i ostalijem slovjenskim jezicima kao razlikovni elemenat u svjetlosti istorizma, monogeneze i poligeneze 56
Yat (ѣ) in Slovenian and Other Slavic Languages as the Distinguishing Element in View of Historicism, Monogenism and Polygenism

Marco Silvestri, Giancarlo Tomezzoli
Linguistic Computational Analysis to Measure the Distances Between Ancient Venetic, Latin and Slovenian Languages 77
Jezikoslovna računalniška analiza meri medsebojne oddaljenosti med nekdanjim venetskim, latinskim in slovenskim jezikom

Vinko Vodopivec
Primerjava sodobnih evropskih, indoevropskih in nekaterih starih jezikov 86
Comparison of Modern European, Indo-European, and Some Ancient Languages

Anthony Ambrozic
The "Warrior" Stele from Lemnos 107
"Vojščakova" stela z Lemnosa

Vinko Vodopivec
Študija prečrkovanj in branj najstarejšega venetskega napisa 121
A Study of Transcriptions and Readings of the Oldest Venetic Inscription

Valerij A. Čudinov
Five Inscriptions on Bronze Tools. Are They Venetic? 131
Pet napisov na bronastih predmetih. Ali so venetski?

Odyssey Belchevsky
A New Look at Classical Mythology with the Help of Slavonic and Macedonian Vocabularies 135
Nov pogled na klasično mitologijo ob uporabi slovanskega in makedonskega besedišča

Odyssey Belchevsky
A Study of the Origins, Connections and Meanings of the Indo-European Words Reeka, Ree, Rea, River in Language and Mythology 145
Izvori, povezave in pomeni indoevropskih besed reeka, ree, rea, reka v jeziku in mitologiji

Marco Silvestri, Giancarlo Tomezzoli
3D Facial Reconstruction from a Skull of a Male Subject of the Neolithic Square Mouth Pottery Culture of Quinzano (Verona, Italy) 159
3D rekonstrukcija obraza lobanje moškega pripadnika neolitske kulture "posod s kvadratnim ustjem" iz Quinzana (Verona, IT)

Lucijan Vuga
Karel Oštir v luči teorije kontinuitete 165
Slovenian Linguist Karel Oštir in Light of the Theory of Continuity

Jože Rant
Onomastika rimskega Norika in sledovi noriških imen v današnjem slovenskem prostoru in sosedstvu 167
Onomastics of the Roman Noricum and Traces of Norican Names in the Contemporary Slovenia and Neighbouring Countries

France Megušar
Keltske sledi na Slovenskem: krajevna imena 169
Traces of Ancient Celts in Slovenia: Place – Names

Andrej Rant
Sorodnosti med starobritanskimi in slovenskimi paleo-etničnimi značilnostmi 171
On the Affiliation Between the Old British and Slovenian Paleo-Ethnic Characteristics

Jože Rant
Istoizvorne Swadesheve besede indo-evropskih jezikov v bazi I. Dyen in primer uporabe v filogenetični lingvistiki 173
Cognate Swadesh Words of Indo-European Languages in the Data Base of I. Dyen, and an Example of Linguistic Philogenetics

Vinko Vodopivec
Primerjava branj retijskega napisa na meču iz Verone - popravki 175
Comparison of Readings of a Rhaetian Inscription on the Sword of Verona - Corrections
Zaključki 177
Conclusion 179
Naslovi avtorjev 182
Authors' addresses


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