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Proceedings No. 16
Proceedings No. 16 Proceedings No. 16 Proceedings No. 16

Proceedings No. 16

25,00 €

of the 16st International Topical Conference Origin of Slovenes and Europeans, Lublana, 1st of June, 2017
and of the 17th International Topical Conference Origin of Slovenes and Europeans, Lublana, 7th of June, 2018
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 316
Height: 23.5 cm
Width: 16.5 cm
Weight: 540 g
Language: English, Slovene
Author: (see Contents)
Publisher: PROMIN d.o.o.
Year: 2024
ISBN: 978-961-947-0-954

Odyssey Belchevsky
Proto Slavic (Pelasgo-Venetian) Origins in the Language of the Homeric Period 6
Proto-slovanski (pelazgo-venetski) izvor jezika Homerjevega časa

Klavdij Kocjan
Kaj nam sporoča stela iz Novilare 23
What is the Message of the Novilara Stele

Marko Hrovat
The Formation of Slovenes and Slavs 50
Nastanek Slovenov in Slovanov

Marko Hrovat
The Mystery of the Word Sclaveni / Slavi 119
Skrivnost besede Sclaveni / Slavi

Igor Tureček
Phaistos Disc Content Presumption 195
Domnevno sporočilo na disku iz Festosa

Giancarlo T. Tomezzoli, Reinhardt S. Stein
The Philistine Inscription 4.5 from Ashkelon (Israel) 234
Pilistinski napis 4.5 iz Aškelona (Izrael)

Ivan Šalamon
Venetski napisi na Svetih gorah nad Sotlo 243
The Venetian Inscriptions at the Svete Gore above the Sotla River

Ivan Šalamon
Venetski bog Triglav in venetska boginja Reiti upodobljena na črtnem reliefu
v kamnu na Svetih gorah nad Sotlo 249
The Venetian Divinity of Triglav and Reiti Depicted in the Stone in Line Relief at the Svete Gore above the Sotla River

Odyssey Belchevsky
The Meaning and Relationship of the Classical Divinities Semele, Apollo, Diana - Mene
and Dionysus Explained with Slavic Languages 262
Pomeni in sorodnost klasičnih božanstev Semele, Apollon, Diana - Mene in Dioniz tolmačen v slovanskih jezikih

Anton Perdih, Petr Jandáček
Relative Number of Equal Sounds in Numerals from 1 to 10 in Different Language Groups 270
Relativno število istih glasov pri številih 1 do 10 v različnih jezikovnih skupinah

Marko Hrovat
Etimologija besed ogen (ogenj), ignis in vulkan 276
The Etymology of the Words Ogen (Ogenj), Ignis and Vulkan

Marko Hrovat
Etimologija besede janež (pimpinella anisum) 297
The Etymology of the Word Janež (Pimpinella Anisum)

      We were shocked by the news that of all the countries that joined the EU on 1/5/2004, Slovenia is lagging behind the most after 20 years in the EU. Once by far the most developed, which rightly looked down on the countries of the Eastern Bloc, is now halted in time. Even the three Baltic countries, that were under the harshest communist regime of the SU for 46 years, are overtaking us. In 1991, Slovenia had the best starting position, so outside observers cannot realize what is happening to us. It is increasingly visible that Slovenia is tied all over around. It is chained to the Yugoslav communist times with predatory-mafia shackles. Trapped all down, it is hard to break towards the light. Of course, this does not only apply to the economy, but to all social layers, including public education and science. The anti-Slovene spirit affects also historical research of Slovenekind, which has completely stalled. Even the Slovene language, the fundamental value of our statehood and ancient Europe, is under attack. The reason for this situation is informal criminal structures that have infiltrated into a democratic society. Serbian intelligence service, covered behind Yugoslav Army, worked for the destruction of Slovenes already in the former regime. They affect almost every pore of the present society. However, they cannot prevent independent research outside the paralyzed systems. This Proceedings is proof that we are proudly paving the way for Slovene and European science and saving its honor.




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